Applied 5S Certifications
5S is traditionally looked as house keeping technique. Very few organizations like Toyota used 5S beyond just house keeping. If implemented with right spirit, 5S becomes foundation for Business Excellence Journey. Many organizations mis-interpreted 5S as just a beautification tool. 5S should be linked to Quality , Cost and Delivery.
Applied 5S Certifications
5S is traditionally looked as house keeping technique. Very few organizations like Toyota used 5S beyond just house keeping. If implemented with right spirit, 5S becomes foundation for Business Excellence Journey. Many organizations mis-interpreted 5S as just a beautification tool. 5S should be linked to Quality , Cost and Delivery.

Seven Steps Academy of Excellence developed a Unique and Powerful training module in 5S methodology called Applied 5S which when implemented become strong foundation for Business Excellence and Organization Culture. It is successfully applied in Several Manufacturing and Service organizations and proven to be very effective. We offer 2 level of Applied 5S certification- Certified 5S professional & Certified 5S Auditor.
Certified Applied 5S Professional
Ability to lead 5S initiatives in the organizations
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Certified Applied 5S Auditor
Ability to lead 5S audits in the organizations
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Applied 5S
Applied 5S is a methodology for total employee involvement and positive culture building tool in the organizational. Applied 5S eliminates most of quality and Delivery issues from the root and creates a strong foundation for Business Excellence .
Many shop-floor problems are results of poor 5S. Applied 5S is a method of creating Clean, Lean and orderly workplace that exposes waste and makes abnormalities immediately visible.
Effective implementation of 5S helps in overcoming all the scenarios. It also helps in togetherness and teamwork among the employees.
5 Principles of Applied 5S
1.Drive Cultural Changes and enhance Total Employee Involvement
2.Expose waste and Non Value Added activities
3.Expose abnormalities
4.Bring stability before going for Breakthrough Improvements
5.Improve PQCDMS
To know more on 5S Certifications
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Course Content - Applied 5S Professional
Course Content - Applied 5S Auditor
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Call now: +91-90083 15533
To know more on 5S Certifications
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